If you ask the average "Man on the Street" about the criminal charges Donald Trump faces in the Manhattan Kangaroo Court this week they'll probably tell you he's accused of paying "Hush money to a porn star" or something along those lines.
They think this because it's exactly what the media wants them to think. And, of course, it isn't true.
Donald Trump entered into a perfectly legal Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with former adult actress, Stormy Daniels. In exchange for a cash payment, Daniels agreed not to talk to the press about her alleged relationship with Trump which supposedly occurred many years before he entered politics.
The media have labeled this payment for an NDA as "hush money."
That's pretty rich from a media that has employed the likes of Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and Andrew Cuomo, all of whom have been accused of sexual misconduct. Something tells me that the broadcast and cable news networks know a thing or two about NDAs and that they have made significant cash payments in the past in exchange for obtaining those precious NDAs.
So, where do the criminal charges come from if the NDA payment was perfectly legal? The charges literally amount to an accounting error.
The Manhattan District Attorney has accused Donald Trump of falsifying business records. Specifically, falsifying the line item detailing the payment to Daniels as a "legal fee" because the payment was maDe to his attorney, Michael Cohen, and then he wrote the check to Daniels.
How is this a felony? In short, it isn't. And it wouldn't be if Donald Trump weren't involved. Bragg twisted the law into a pretzel by somehow melding the accounting discrepancy into a campaign finance law (which is not in his jurisdiction and which the Justice Department decided not to pursue) and 'Eureka!' Trump is now facing criminal charges.
The legality of it all doesn't matter. The justice doesn't matter. The truth doesn't matter.
What matters is getting Trump. And the media gladly plays along.