Former Republican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan has announced his candidacy for the soon-to-be vacant Senate seat currently held by Ben Cardin.
Let's be clear, Larry Hogan is the ideal conservative Republican. He governed as a moderate and he opposed Donald Trump in a loud and vociferous way. That opposition to Mr. Trump made Hogan a bit of a media darling.
Surely Hogan's strategy is the only way you can win in Maryland as a republican is to be anti-Trump. He's probably right. And he wants Republicans in Maryland to vote for him because he represents the best chance for Republicans to win that seat. He wants us to set aside our personal disagreements with his politics and his demeanor for the better of the party.
But, here's the thing: Isn't this exactly what Gov. Hogan refuses to do with Donald Trump? His obstinate opposition to Trump over personality and temperament is detrimental to the Republican Party and to party unity. Why should we voters be called to set aside our principles for his sake when he can't do the same?